One of the key factors ensuring the high quality of education is addressing the variety of different educational needs of all learners. Contemporary theories of teaching/learning emphasize the fact that each learner has different needs and abilities which must be properly addressed in the process of education. The aim of the workshop is to present methods of differentiation of instructions that help to achieve this goal. Universal Design for Learning guidelines as well as Carol Ann Tomlinson’s concept of differentiation of instructions have been a theoretical inspiration for this workshop.
During the workshop we will try to answer the following questions:
- Why is differentiation of instructions so important?
- How to differentiate the content, the process, and the product of learning?
- How to provide students multiple means of representation, multiple means of engagement, multiple means of action and expression?
- How to implement differentiation of instructions strategies and do not get mad?
The course is designed for those with English language proficiency at B2 level or above.
Class 1
1. Theoretical introduction (key concepts: Universal Design for Learning, differentiation of instructions in mixed ability classrooms)
2. Practical aspects (how to introduce UDL and differentiation of instructions guidelines into the university teacher’s practice: methodological tips).
3. Task to perform individually: set of recommendations concerning possible implementation of UDL and differentiation of instructions guidelines at classes conducted by workshops participants.
Class 2
1. Presentation of recommendations prepared by workshop participants (group discussion).
2. Basic strategies for differentiation of the content, process, and product of learning (selected case studies).
dr hab. Magdalena Bąk - associate professor at the Institute of Literary Studies at the Faculty of Humanities University of Silesia (Poland). Her research interests concentrate on Romantic literature, travel writing studies and Polish-Portuguese literary and cultural relations. She is involved in various didactic projects aiming at improving the quality of academic teaching.
1st meeting (face-to-face) - Mon 15.05.2023 (15:00-16:30)
2nd meeting (online) - Mon 22.05.2023 (15:00-16:30)
1st meeting - Rectorate CU, Green auditorium (room 141), Celetná 20, Prague 1
2nd meeting - online (link will be provided via email)
The programme has already run.
Participation in the program is free of charge.
1. Universal Design in Higher Education. Promising Practices, ed. S. Burgstahler.
2. Rose, D.H. and Meyer, A., Teaching Every Student in the Digital Age: Universal Design for Learning. Alexandria 2002.
3. Meyer A., Rose D.H., Gordon, D., Universal design for learning: Theory and practice, Center for Applied Special Technology, Wakefield 2014.
4. Tomlinson C.A., How to Differentiate Instructions in Academically Diverse Classrooms, ASCD 2017.