The Lifelong Learning Board of CU ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** The Lifelong Learning Board of Charles University is an advisory body to the Rector of Cha for the field of lifelong learning. Its mission is to fulfill a consultative and coordinat lifelong learning and to ensure its quality. It focuses on various aspects of lifelong lea the University, including its documentation, evaluation, and proposals for methodological measures and recommendations in this field. Members: Mgr. et Mgr. David Hurný chair, member of the Rector's Boa of Teaching Competences of Academ prof. RNDr. Markéta Martínková, Ph.D. Vice-Rector for Education doc. MUDr. Jan Polák, Ph.D., MBA Vice-Rector for the Conception an Mgr. Petra Štanclová Chancellor of Charles University Mgr. Zuzana Poláková CU Point Mgr. Alena Vlasáková, DiS. Student Affairs Department Mgr. Jaroslav Pěnička Centre for Lifelong Learning prof. PhLic. Vojtěch Novotný, Th.D. Catholic Theological Faculty doc. Petr Sláma, Ph.D. Protestant Theological Faculty ThDr. et Mgr. Pavel Helan, Th.D. Hussite Theological Faculty, chai the Universities of the Third Age doc. JUDr. PhDr. Marek Antoš, Ph.D., LL.M. Faculty of Law prof. MUDr. Eva Topinková, CSc. First Faculty of Medicine MUDr. Milan Trojánek, Ph.D.. Second Faculty of Medicine prof. MUDr. Hana Malíková, Ph.D. Third Faculty of Medicine doc. MUDr. Libuše Čeledová, Ph.D. Faculty of Medicine in Plzeň MUDr. Daniel Rajdl, Ph.D. prof. MUDr. Hana Langrová, Ph.D. Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Krá PharmDr. Petr Jílek, CSc. Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Krá Mgr. Nina Wanča, Ph.D. Faculty of Arts doc. RNDr. Milada Teplá, Ph.D. Faculty of Science doc. RNDr. Jindřich Bečvář, CSc. Faculty of Mathematics and Physic prof. PhDr. Martin Bílek, Ph.D. Faculty of Education PhDr. Petr Bednařík, Ph.D. Faculty of Social Sciences Mgr. Jan Chrudimský, Ph.D. Faculty of Physical Education and PhDr. Dana Bittnerová, CSc. Faculty of Humanities PhDr. Dana Hůlková Nývltová, Ph.D. Institute for Language and Prepar PhDr. Radka Římanová, Ph.D. Central Library of Charles Univer Mgr. Jiří Valach Centre for Knowledge and Technolo Members of the Lifelong Learning Board of Charles University as of 1 February 2024. The Board was established by Rector's Directive No. 40/2017 [ URL " accordance with the provisions of § 10 paragraph 1 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Ed Amendments and Additions to Other Acts (Act on Higher Education), as amended, and in accor long-term Strategic Plan of Charles University.