Improve your Lesson Design: Strategies for University Educators ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Discover how to design lessons that foster deep learning and improved student outcomes. Th introduces practical strategies for aligning your teaching objectives, activities, and ass Transform your teaching approach to ensure that your students achieve the learning outcome targeted, purposeful instruction. This workshop begins with an introduction to the fundamental concepts of purposeful lesson emphasizing the importance of clear, aligned learning outcomes. Participants will learn ho precise, measurable outcomes that set the stage for effective teaching. We'll then delve i integration of these outcomes with teaching activities and assessment methods, ensuring th reinforces and supports the others. Through a combination of theoretical insights and prac you'll gain the skills needed to create an engaging, student-centered learning experience deeper understanding and long-term retention. *========================================================================================= * Term: *========================================================================================= The course has already taken place in the current semester, but you can express your inter participating below. We will take your interest into account when planning the next semest
*========================================================================================= * Learning outcomes: *========================================================================================= By the end of the workshop, participants should be able to: • explain the principles of Constructive Alignment and its significance in higher educatio • design teaching activities that effectively align with the defined learning objectives. • develop assessment methods that accurately measure student achievement of learning outco • assess the alignment between learning outcomes, teaching activities, and assessment meth classes. • identify areas for improvement in their class design and implement revisions based on al evaluation. *========================================================================================= * Competences developed in the course: *========================================================================================= The course develops competences falling under Pillar 1, Pillar 2 and Pillar 4of the Framew Teaching at CU [ URL " PILLAR 1 Teaching and learning planning and design. • 1. 2. The teacher sets learning outcomes for their course and individual classes and cho methods of measuring their attainment. • 1. 3. The teacher selects teaching strategies that contribute to achieving the expected outcomes and adapts them to the students' needs. • 1. 4. The teacher utilizes techniques for effective class preparation. PILLAR 2 Managing the teaching and learning process. • 2. 3. The teacher utilizes a variety of strategies that promote student active learning. PILLAR 4 Reflective teaching and teacher professional development. • 4. 1. The teacher evaluates the extent to which expected learning outcomes have been ach given course or individual class. *========================================================================================= * Lecturer: *========================================================================================= Manuela Milani is an academic developer with more than 20 years of experience in different in Europe. In the last years she has designed and delivered many training and professional activities for faculty members. Her publications include several papers on the use of cult in teaching and learning, on teaching observations practices and faculty training design a teaching perception. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at: cczv(zavinac)ruk.c "(zavinac)"] .