Designing group learning activities ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** As an academic teacher, it’s important to recognize how implementing group activities with design and management can pose several risks: unequal participation, conflict and disagree task behavior, lack of accountability, ineffective learning, negative group dynamics, frus demotivation. To mitigate these risks, it's essential to understand how to structure, facilitate, and ma activities effectively. That why in this workshop we will work together (thanks exactly to activities!) on setting clear expectations, providing guidelines, monitoring group progres an environment where all students feel valued and engaged. Learning outcomes: • Reflect on current teaching practices related to group activities. • Identify potential challenges and risks associated with group activities, such as unequa conflicts, and off-task behavior. • Demonstrate the ability to tailor group activities to address potential challenges and e outcomes. • Develop strategies to enhance active participation and engagement in group activities. • Identify areas for improvement and incorporate new strategies learned in the workshop in teaching methods. Competences developed in the programme: The programme develops competences falling under Pillar 1 (Learning and teaching planning Pillar 2 (Managing the learning and teaching process) of the Framework for Effective Teach particular, it focuses on the following competences: • Pillar 1: The teacher selects teaching strategies that contribute to achieving the expec outcomes and adapts them to the students' needs. • Pillar 2: The teacher utilizes a variety of strategies that promote student active learn The course is designed for those with English language proficiency at B2 level or above. Manuela Milani is an academic developer with more than 20 years of experience in different in Europe. In the last years she has designed and delivered many training and professional activities for faculty members. Her publications include several papers on the use of cult in teaching and learning, on teaching observations practices and faculty training design a teaching perception. Interest in the programme can be expressed here [ URL " public/programs/1375786899"] Participation in the programme is free of charge. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at: cczv(zavinac)ruk.c "cczv(zavinac)"] .